History of 
In October 2017, Oisix and Daichi wo Marmoru Kai merged and established Oisix.dachi Inc. A merger with Radish Boya is planned for October 2018 wherein anticipation for its establishment, is proceeded by the changing of the company name to Oisix ra daichi Inc.

Online shopping was virtually unknown when we first started our business. We had a vision of a future in which ordinary households could have easy access to the kind of food that food producers themselves would want to give to their own children. We came up with an unprecedented business model, but we had no connections with, or knowledge of the food industry, let alone a contract with a farmer. We had to start everything from scratch.

Establishment - early years
Food novices with no industry experience
All the founding members of the company were single men in their 20's. None of them were gourmets, or used to cooking for themselves. However, they leveraged their individual skills and talents and launched a food business. Their original idea was to offer a service enabling ordinary people to enjoy convenient, safe, and reliable food without any hassle. This idea is still alive in our current philosophy.

Early years - middle period
Starting from scratch
We started selling organic vegetables as an experiment, and launched the e-commerce site "e831.com", the predecessor of Oisix . We saw a gradual increase in the number of contracted farmers. This encouraged us to create a website to explain our products in more detail, along with messages from the farmers and producers. We started up the "Oisix" website in June 2000. This was the official launch of the business. We worked as hard as we could every day. We were so desperate to earn the trust of the farmers that we once even tried eating a little of the soil from a field which was recommended to us!

Middle period - recent years
Overcoming challenges
The business began to take off little by little, and we moved into profit for the first time in December 2002.
By that time, the number of repeat customers had increased and our "hot products" were gaining in popularity. For example, we started selling off-specification products, in categories like "odd-shaped vegetables" or "revival vegetables" (focusing on rare types of vegetables).

Recent years - now
Supplying a rich and varied diet to as many people as we can
People's attitudes towards food safety have changed since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. We see our role as identifying and delivering "child-safe" food products on behalf of our customers. Also, as our lives become busier, and more and more women work full-time, we started a range of meal kits, "Kit Oisix", for busy customers who still want to enjoy a rich and varied food diet. We aim to provide a full range of meal options to as many people as possible. We are confident in our ability to fulfill this objective, successfully overcoming any challenges along the way.